Lafayette Police Department

Recognizing Pre-Attack Indicators

Lafayette Police Department 900 E University Ave, Lafayette, LA, United States

Attend the ultimate course in understanding and anticipating potential attacks. In this comprehensive training led by instructor Sean Grogan, you will gain invaluable insights into the subtle movements and non-verbal […]


Body Language for Law Enforcement

Lafayette Police Department 900 E University Ave, Lafayette, LA, United States

Attend the ultimate course in understanding and analyzing body language. In this comprehensive training led by instructor Sean Grogan, you will gain invaluable insights into the subtle movements and non-verbal […]


Basic SWAT School

Lafayette Police Department 900 E University Ave, Lafayette, LA, United States

The Lafayette Police Department's S.W.A.T. Team is pleased to announce that it will offer its 27th Basic S.W.A.T. School in Lafayette, LA. This will be an intense six-day course, which will provide students with a basic range of instruction in tactics and equipment. Upon completing this course, students will have the basic knowledge of S.W.A.T. […]
